Panajotov & Lalova Lawyers © 2007
Private Lawyers
"The results you expect"
Drawing up of:
vPurchase and repurchase agreements
vLease agreements
vTrilateral and pledge agreements
vPowers of attorney
vInterior documents of the company and all other legal documents
vUndertaking the procedure of entry of the Pledge and the Lease agreements in the Specific pledges register at Ministry of Justice
vProvision of securities for guaranteeing client’s accounts receivable and claims such as promissory notes, specific pledges and mortgages over real estates
vParticipation in negotiations with partners and counter-parties of the client, convey of control for legitimacy and validity from legal point of view of documents presented and provision of ultimate organization of the transactions performed by the client
vRegistration of Companies upon the Bulgarian Law
vRegistration of changes in the client’s company file
§We provide all necessary formalities in connection with the registration of various juridical persons - sole proprietors and companies. The law office registers alterations in the status of business subjects, their transformation and reorganization, acquisition of share participation, etc. The law office offers subscription to enrolled body corporate and physical persons, incl. foreign partnerships. It draws up various trade contracts and secures procedural representation concerning commercial activities.
Commercial Law
Commercial Law & Company Law